Spring is the Kapha season, a time for renewal and growth. Kapha dosha also known 'Shleshma', is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Shlish- alangane' which means to bind. Kapha dosha thus is the 'cohesive dosha' in our body that binds and keeps everything together.
Spring is a time when Kapha dosha is naturally aggravated. As Ayurvedic practitioners we focus on spring cleansing the body of excess Kapha dosha using various therapeutic measures like langhana (fasting), pachana (using digestive measures), swedana (formentation) or a popular panchakarma practice known as vamana (emesis).
In my practice, I have seen people suffer from not only physical symptoms of Kapha dominance, but also mental symptoms like mental fatigue, lethargy and sluggishness, brain fog, inability to focus and concentrate, excessive sleep, withdrawal or even depression.
Ayurveda believes that mind and body play an equal role in creation of health or formation of a disease. It is commonly known that diseases of one can affect and create diseases in the other. So a mental detox should always be a part of spring detoxification plan.
A clean and clutter free mind can not only minimize your stress levels but also help you focus better and reach your true potential.
So how do you detox a Kapha aggravated mind? Here is my favorite practice that I use especially in spring to declutter my mind. I have taught the same technique to my clients who have used it
to successfully to recover from feeling of depression, anxiety, fear, guilt as well as lack of self-confidence.
The technique I use is called 'Morning Pages' which is simple easy to follow for anyone wanting to Spring detox their mind. ‘Morning pages’ is a basically a writing exercise introduced by creativity guru, Julia Cameron in her book ‘The Artists Way’ to unblock your creativity.
So what exactly does morning pages mean?
Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning says Julia. So basically you wake up first thing in the morning and start writing whatever comes to your mind to fill 3 sides of US letter paper or A4 size paper.
What are the exact ways to do Morning Pages?
Morning pages are very different and even more powerful than journaling is. Remember there is no right or wrong way to do morning pages. You just wake up, grab your lemon water (especially as you are detoxing now) and sit in your favourite space and write. Just fill up the pages with anything and everything that crosses your mind. Do not try to hold back or rationalize your feelings just write whatever comes to your mind. These are highly confidential pages and are not meant for personal or anybody’s review so make sure you do they stay out of sight of others. Keeping them private gives you a safe and secure space to acknowledge your feelings and pour your heart out.
Are there any rules?
There are 4 main rules to writing morning pages
- Morning pages should be written first thing in the morning: Your ego defences are weak in the morning and you haven’t been through the experiences of the day so your subconscious is more active.
- Morning pages should be 3 pages full: These are meant to be precisely 3 pages full, avoid writing less than 3 pages or adding a fourth page.
- Should be written longhand: Avoid typing.
- Avoid reviewing your writting: Once you finish writing put these away in an envelope and do not review or let someone else review these to keep this a non-judgemental and safe outlet.
What are the benefits of writing Morning pages?
The very nature of Kapha is to hold and not let go. In the mind, Kapha can get aggravated by tendencies of not letting go and holding on to emotions or thoughts for a long time, creating an overwhelm which results in symptoms mentioned above like mental fatigue etc. Once you write without holding yourself back, you are releasing these thoughts and emotions that have cluttered your mind and do not serve you anymore.
Releasing old patterns can provide the space and the energy to invite newer thoughts and emotions that will serve you better. Also letting go of the old emotional baggage, helps provide clarity, improves mental focus and concentration and also enhances self worth and self confidence.
Thus, Morning pages can help you declutter your mind, create space for newer ideas and help unleash your trapped creativity and help you take your life experience to the next level.